Friday, August 24

It's Friday....let's talk about ME!

So it's Friday..and who doesn't want to do something useless on Friday! I decided to give you some more VERY interesting facts about's been a couple months since I have last enlightened you. After reading these and possibly my other previous useless fact blogs..."More Usless Info" and "Welcome" are you obviously going to want to be my friend...but there is a waiting line (I can only handle so many) so please send me a comment and I will give you a number...and you can hold onto it with great pride! So here we go:
1. I am always taking pics of me with someone.. holding the camera out in front of us and shooting (it always turns out terrible..but it's fun..and who doesn't like fun!)

2. I get car sick all the time. I need to sit in the front seat or be driving..otherwise the chunks are a coming. (I prefer driving..only cause then I am in control ;)

3. Going back to the control thing....I completely like being in control...I know what you are thinking..I am a one of those control freaks..not like that..just when I have my life in my own hands..making the decisions..I usually feel better.
4. All of my babies have blonde...really Mr. Jo and I are not's just weird (I know it will probably change but for now it's weird ok!)

5. My hair is curly and brown (well most of the time)'s usually a pain in the butt to manage..but somehow everyone else loves it...ugh..then they should have it!

6. I love to cuddle...usually with Mr. Jo..but with my kids as well. We are a very lovey touchy family..we love hugs..and kisses!

7. The "Wedding Planner" is my all time favorite movie. Does it get any better than Jennifer Lopez and Matthew Macounahey..I mean come on!

8. I can not stand changing poopy diapers. (and seeing that I have three kids..two which are still in's pretty much impossible to avoid)

9. I cherish my family and friends with all my heart. You should never unappreciate the people that are around you. Family and friends make life so much more of an enjoyable ride!

10. I got married when I was 19 (and No I wasn't pregnant) I was in LOVE and wanted to get married. So I did!

11. I am addicted to Disney Channel "tween" shows (and so is Mr. Jo..I might as well out him..if I am outing myself) They just draw me in...not sure why...but I always find myself distracted with what I am trying to do to watch them.

12. My legs are hardly ever shaved...I hate doing it. I always feel like it's a waste of shave them..then the freakin' hair just grows right back..ugh..I guess it's not very lady like..but who cares!
13. I am addicted to pictures. I love to take them..frame them..change them..anything to do with pictures count me in!
14. I HATE when the phone rings busy...I will just keep calling and keep calling (like it makes a difference) hopefully get through. It's just something that I can't stand..that busy signal in the just makes me soooo annoyed!
15. I always have to wear earrings. I feel like I look funny without them ( could just be a personal opinion..but ahh who knows)
Okay so there you have it...your life just keeps getting better with all this info about me..doesn't it!? So enjoy your Friday..go give someone that doesn't care ..some useless info about will make you feel fabulous! Enjoy your coffee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your curly hair and it kicks arse! (Yes...I would gladly take it. Then I'd look like the mother of my children.)

I hate when phones ring. and ring. and ring. Seriously's 2007 and called and answering machine!

Also addicted to 'tween' shows ;-)