Tuesday, August 21

Some hairy humor

When to know that you have tooo much chest hair (not us girls don't worry..I am talking to the men today...although girls if you have this problem seek professional help)?
Today I shaved Mr. Jo's head. His hair has been extremely long for quite a while now and it was only a matter of time before it needed shaved again. We decided to do it before dinner..in the kitchen...Mr. Jo is sitting in his shorts and no shirt ( I know ladies control yourselves). I think Mr. Jo is a little apprehensive about the fact that I am behind him with a razor..but he controls himself and lets me proceed. Rose is completely interested in this matter and of course is in the kitchen asking a million questions..and "helping mommy" (of course she is just in the way..but that's neither here nor there). Rose is playing with items in the box from the razor (we were able to borrow from a friend)...and there were scissors and a comb in there. I needed to use the scissors to cut the rest of the lose ends that the razor didn't get...Rose thought that I needed the comb to assist the razor...but to her dismay I did not...Soo she proceeds to use the comb in the best way that she sees fit.....
Combing her daddy's chest and stomach hair! I thought that I was going to lose it. I was laughing sooo hard...(and Mr. Jo doesn't really find this as humorous as me)..Rose is looking at me like "what" isn't that what it's for. Needless to say I think that Ms. Rose has made daddy a little self conscious of his hairy chest ;)
Enjoy your coffee!


Anonymous said...

That is some great reading right before signing off for the night. Although, it may be difficult to enjoy my coffee after reading about the combed chest hair. Fortunately I'm a Diet Coke kinda gal, so I think I'll be okay.

Nighty night :)

Bee said...

My hubba bubba would love to have a hairy chest he has like 6 little hairs on his really white chest.
Don't tell him I told ya! :o)