Thursday, August 9

Showering with new discoveries....

So how many of you mom's out there let your little ones shower or bathe with you? And for those of you that are saying no weirdo right now...oh please you know that you are lying. My oldest daughter...Rose...she wasn't home for bath time last when I was almost done in the shower I called for her to come in so I could give her a quick cleaning. She has been quite the little question girl I figured I was in for it...She gets in....and of course you realize that she's not that tall she's pretty much eye level or just "v".

Rose: "mommy why do you have hair ..there...?"
Me: "cause that's what mommies have" will get hair when you are bigger too"
Rose: "ummm no I won't that's gross"
Me: " well you will but not to you are much bigger like mommy"
Rose: "okay"

And on with the shower we go...I wash her hair....then she is playing while I finish up with my shower duties..I turn around to wash her body....

Rose: "I like your pee-pee mommy..."
Me: "ummmmm ...thanks Rose" ( all the while thinking..did she just say that she liked my pee pee)

Now we quickly wash her body...and out mommy goes....if she is going to keep analyzing my pee pee (as she says) then ..maybe showers with mommy are officially over! ;)
Enjoy your coffee!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you handled the whole Va J.J. thing pretty well. That time of cover-up does come eventually and is inevitable. Nice thing is being able to keep the communication open enough not to make certain body parts a bad thing. Perfect answer.
I remember my middle child copying the male style of toilet standing (I must say with less than perfect results) during her early years. We also discerned it time for less shared bathroom access.

Anonymous said...


OMG. That is just...OMG!!

That's really funny. In case you were wondering ;-)

Blog Owner said...

That is priceless! Definitely one for the baby books!

Unknown said...

yThat is so like our little rose I still havent stop laughing yet.I just puts a smile on my face.thanks for the laugh and it was a good one.Maybe we have a new nickname for you

Trebor said...

she is a young mind exploring to wonderful world around her lol flippin' hilarious!!!